
Weekly Piece #4

New piece for pocketlint, there will be more


Weekly Piece #3

I was too lazy today to edit the photos i have or scan on any drawings. So instead here is an album that ive been skating to for the last two weeks. The Roots: Things Fall Apart

Tim and Eric - Roger of the Month Mar 2010 - Outro Video

Tim and Eric - Roger of the Month Mar 2010 - Outro Video from Roger Skateboards on Vimeo.

video by rogers skateboards, unique skating, fun to watch. Check it out.


Weekly Piece #2

Couldn't decide which one i like better, but here's weekly piece #2. Torn up skate shoes. Next week will be better so check back


Our Friends!

check out our friends at MorrisonVisuals and all the sick work they've been doing



Weekly Piece #1

Seeing as all i do now is play video games and tramp skate i decided to start something called Weekly Piece to do something a little more productive. I will post a new piece every week, being it art or photograph by me, or by someone else.
The first piece is the very Weekly Piece Logo.
